Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Monday, June 1, 2009

the end of this part of the me to we journey

how fitting is the anonymous story that wraps up the book? (265)

what will you take from it?

#37 the left handed handshake

what are your thoughts on Santosh's sign of peace? (pg 252)

#36 each of us has met a Mr.Williams (pg222)

who is yours?


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

#35 muskoka, olympics, water oh my!

briefly share your experiences at 1, 2 or 3 of these events

Monday, May 25, 2009

#34 no blog here ..just an update

blogs are due two weeks on friday (june 12th)
portfolio/scrapbook/culminating activity is due june 16th (brief presentations on the 15th and 16th)

hope muskoka woods /special olympics/water festival are excellent experiences

#33 we're a minga!

share your recollections of a time when you and your group became a "minga"...how did it go? how did it feel? could we use more mingas?

#32 Lindsay Avner and the Run For the Cure

your thoughts on her response to tragedy?....any personal recollections to share on this topic/example?

#31 pg 190 Victor Frankl's words of wisdom

what does he say life ultimately means? (pg 191) and do you agree with him? explain (it's a big concept)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

#30 pg 180 one lesson from Joe Opatowski's life and death

please share

#29 Oprah's story

comment.....are you a fan of hers? is her "big heart" the real reason for the phenomenal success of ther show?

Friday, May 8, 2009

#28 the cars in the bronx and in palo alto, california

how can we apply the lessons here to our legacy campaign to cleanup/brighten up IDCI? Explain

Friday, May 1, 2009

#26 belonging

other than family, identify the group you feel most connected to and explain why this connection is important to you.....it might be your basketball team, your church youth group, your 4H group, your writers' workshop class...whatever...what is it for you and what role do you see it playing in your life

#25 Grade 8 is such a difficult time

so..the tours....how did it go for you? what are your overall thoughts on the whole thing? could it be made better? if so, how?

#24 lions and tigers and zebras..oh my..(pg 95-)

how can we apply the lesson of the zebras to our own lives here at home?


I look forward to your response

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

#23 Kim , Mike and Brenda

pg 85 ish.....whose story do you admire the most?

#22 8 secrets of success


what are they?
do you agree?

Monday, April 20, 2009

#21 back to the book

page 82-83 says that we all can move from me to we just by drawing on 4 basic skills we already possess..which of these four do you think is the most important to develop if we are to become "more we"? it's not easy to choose but pick one and explain

#20 spring clean up reflections

how did it go?

where did you go?


did you collect the $?


Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

19blogs for mid-term...the blogs already posted..and this one

and "the last lecture"...comments on Randy Pausch's Oprah talk

and that makes 19 (20 if you count the mid-term reflection)

(feel free to watch the entire thing (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ji5_MqicxSo)

and a mid-term reflection......your grade (out of 100) and why
(can be done on paper tomorrow)

don't forget to hand in dvd in movies handout tomorrow

Thursday, April 2, 2009

friday april 3 update


Something for the upcoming holiday:

All I need to know about life I learned from the Easter Bunny.

Don't put all of your eggs in one basket

Walk softly and carry a big carrot

Everyone needs a friend who is all ears

There's no such thing as too much candy

All work and no play can make you a basket case

A cute little tail attracts a lot of attention

Everyone is entitled to a bad hare day

Let happy thoughts multiply like rabbits

Keep your paws off other people's jellybeans

Good things come in small sugar-coated packages

The grass is always greener in someone else's basket

An Easter bonnet can tame even the wildest hare

To show your true colors you have to come out of your shell

The best things in life are still sweet and gooey

and..on to today:

1. 1145-1200 in class....go over yesterday

bring anything upstairs you want to work on

2. 1200-100 in cal lab...complete the following:

* Yesterday's community adventure...how did it go?
* Me to We....blog*...What's a minga?...should we have mingas?
* Read pg 71-73 Desmond Tutu's story (he is one of the most famous/influential people in the world and he is coming to London Ontario to speak on May 22nd btw)...he describes his greatest mentor as his mother.....briefly describe someone who has had a positive effect your "character development"

or/and then....

Brennan at retreat
evan/rachel at basketball
shannon g/ jenna y painting backdrop in Mrs. Hare's room
Allie/jenni/hannah returning from dropping off letter at McD's

in 239, you can blog and/or work on plans for coffee house/the blue and white overnight/the semi/easter events etc..etc...etc....just use the time wisely

allie, chelsea, eric and maybe one or two others can finish the mural in the english hall...mr.nunns (custodian/artist extraordinaire will leave the stuff out)

and... furthermore.....printing out more copies of your awesome posters is much appreciated..we'll go back and finish our visits next week

reminder: have a spring clean - up locale lined up if possible....paperwork/info to follow next week..it's the afternoon of friday april 17th

harris heights muskoka woods people....they have been notified about you...now get those applications in

scrapbook night: encourage the scrapbookers in your life to sign up/come along

blue and white overnight: spread the word ..it will be fun

semi tix sellers: remember your day to sell and $ to buy

phew......leadership is hard work...but fun...like being a workafrolic

if you find yourself with nothing to do ( you must be amazing)....catch up in your blogs and/or read on in Me to We (it's good for the soul)

Friday, March 27, 2009

friday mar 27 blogs ...update etc.

A.blogs for today:

1. yesterday's suicide awareness workshop....having had some time to think about it (I know I have been thinking about the presentation a lot since then)....thoughts?

2. This morning's Me2We assembly....thoughts/opinions/advice/suggestions about the assembly/for me2we etc
(if you did not attend either assembly, perhaps an overall thought on Me2we at IDCI: suggestions/opinions etc)

B. any last Whale rider Q's can be handed in today

C. your Me2WePoster can be handed in for evaluation on Monday if necessary

see march 6th's blog entry for updated info /requirements

btw....Next big event is the semi on thursday the 8th of April...spread the word....Across the Universe...plan to be there and bring your friends along
we'll be working on that a lot next week

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

tuesday update

1. get blogs caught up

2. for friday deadline, whale rider q's can still be handed in until then

more importantly, your me2we @idci poster (see previous blog instructions and see examples) is due friday

Saturday, March 21, 2009

the road to me2we

read pg 50-64

and blog on one of the following:

Tim's story or rain in Kenya or surviving survivor

the world values survey....and happiness.

the happiest countries in the world:

1. nigeria
2. mexico
3. venezuela
4. el salvador

16. usa

in your blog..respond to these findings

Thursday, March 12, 2009

me to we question..blog response

pg 46....10% stopped

do you think it's as significant as they do that 90% didn't stop, especially given what they were studying and where they were going? (or is it no big deal?) thoughts?

Sunday, March 8, 2009

evaluation time

for the first report, we have 10 blogs....the new one is a quote of leadership....find one that speaks to you, share it in your blog, and explain why you think that quote represents leadership to you

also handed in.....song lyrics, pat tillman, vow index card, setting the course leadership in movies and a self evaluation to come this week

once complete, your options include the whale rider questions (due thursday but do not do #5) or the me2we poster...see me

Friday, March 6, 2009

march 6..blog entries ..to be complete by monday

1. the idci report card....what is the best thing about idci ?(in your opinion)

2. re: Marc's story....."what kind of legacy do you want to leave?"....well,....big....very big question....think about and answer it in five lines or less

3. Keith's story (p29)....respond

other...not blog entries...

- read A new Look at Home and Happiness (33-49)
- bag mushers...keep it up
- vow of silencers...keep it up

- to be worked on if time...everyone will do this soon....create an 8.5x11 poster advertising our me2we project: raising $8500 to build a school in Sierra Leone (For $10100 we can also hire and house the teachers for one full year and buy textbooks for the entire school)...the poster should be one that could be posted in businesses around town and could inform people what the project involves and welcome people to join us in our campaign...people can be informed that they can call IDCI at 519-485-1200 if they would like to participate in any way

images should be appropriate to tell a little about "our" project and Me2We (the movement) and Sierra Leone , the country

it should be in colour.....put your name on the back . not the front and there are lots of examples on the board in room 141

Friday, February 27, 2009

feb 27

1. vow of silence index cards (10+5) for monday
2. blog whale rider....overall impression
3. blog...me to we ...marc's story...waddya think?
4. very important ....mushers....mush the bag

Monday, February 16, 2009

the bloggers and the blogs

brittany brown http://brittbrown3.blogspot.com/
andrea c http://andreacallahansblog.blogspot.com/
shannon c http://shannigansclark.blogspot.com/
cassie f http://cassie103.blogspot.com/
shannon g http://xoxshannonxox.blogspot.com/
allie h http://holbiegal3.blogspot.com/
lauren h http://lauren826.blogspot.com/
brennan h http://hutcbren764.blogspot.com/
hannah j http://hannahcheirthjones.blogspot.com/
rachel k http://kanerach224.blogspot.com/
evan m http://notevanmchugh.blogspot.com
chelsea n http://nancekivellchels.blogspot.com/
jenni n http://jennisawesomeblog.blogspot.com/
ashley n http://anethercott.blogspot.com/
erin r http://erin343.blogspot.com/
michelle t http://michelletrudel.blogspot.com/
eric t http://ericturner17.blogspot.com/
heather v http://heathersblog.blogspot.com/
katie v http://katieverwolf.blogspot.com/
jenna y http://toastyyosty.blogspot.com/

Friday, February 13, 2009

fri the 13th ...the tasks..

in order.....separate entries please...

1. the Roseto mystery....how do you explain it?....what does it mean for us?

2. you and leadership....so how specifically do you plan to lead?....how would you like to lead?....for example, in the second semester last year, leadership students organized and/or participated in : the water challenge, elementary school workshops, peer tutoring, leadership workshops, dodge ball, guitar hero (but no ddr...there should have been), the madden Bowl, staff-student games, hoops for heart, gr 9 girls day, bowl for kids, macbeth week, tennis club, car b que, gotcha, safe schools play, farm days, food for friends, valentine's day activities, easter egg hunt, elementary school track and field days....among many other activities......you propose it and I'll support it (within reason of course).....so, what's it gonna be?

3. spring clean -up day...we had a very successful fall clean-up day last semester when leadership students offered their services to complete yard/household tasks for an afternoon with the proceeds going to Me To We (which we will begin next week)....find someone ( a parent?) who will hire you. get the afternoon off school, work raking leaves or preparing gardens etc...collect money....give to me to we....your thoughts on this proposed class activity?

4. Nelson Mandela....provide 5 specific reasons why he is an important figure to know about for leadership students

if finished , see me

yours in leadership

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

so it begins...

customize, personalize, awesomize